Constructors/ Destructors
1. Define what is constructor or Destructors?
2. Can we define a constructor as virtual in C++?
3. Can we declare a base-class destructor as virtual?
4. How does a copy constructor differs from an overloaded assignment operator?
5. Define two methods of constructor invocation?
6. Define the process of error-handling in case of constructor failure?
7. Explain the concept of copy constructor?
8. What is a default constructor?
9. When are copy constructors called?
10. Is it possible to pass an object of the same class in place of object reference to the copy constructor?
11. Define a conversion constructor?
12. What is a conversion operator?
13. Define the process of handling in case of destructor failure?
14. What is a virtual destructor?
15. What is the sequence of destruction of local objects?
16. Write about the sequence in which objects in an array are destructor?
17. Is it possible to overload the destructor of a class?
18. Can you explicitly call a destructor on a local variable?
19. What happens if a local variable is destroyed within its scope before a program is completely executed? Can a destructor be called if needed?
20. Explain how would you handle a situation where you cannot call the destructor of a local explicitly?
21. What happens if the local variable cannot be wrapped in an artificial block?
22. What are shallow and deep copies?
23. What do you understand by zombie objects in C++?
24. Can a destructor be explicit y called if an object is created using the new operator?
25. Explain the use of the placement new method?
26. On implementing a destructor, is there any need for the explicit calling of the destructors for member objects?
27. On implementing a destructor of the derived class, is there any need for the explicit calling of the destructor for my base class?
28. How does List r; differs from List r();?
29. Can one constructor of a class be called by another constructor of the same class for initializing the this object?
30. Is the default constructor for a class Bred always Bred::Bred()?
31. On creating an array of bird_class objects, which constructor will get called?
32. Can we use initialization lists or assignments in a constructor?
33. Should the this pointer can be used in the constructor?
1. What is a virtual function?
2. Define pure virtual function.
3. What do you understand by a pure virtual member function?
4. How can virtual functions in C++ be implemented?
5. What do you understand by pure virtual function? Write about its use?
6. How the virtual functions maintain the call up?
7. Write a note on virtual destructor.
1. Write a note about inheritance.
2. What is the need of multiple inheritance?
3. Write about the IS A and HAS A class relationships and also explain about their implementation in a class.
4. Explain the concept of template?
5. How can you say that a template is better than a base class?
6. Explain the concept of multiple inheritance (virtual inheritance). Write about its advantages and disadvantages.
7. Describe inheritance and non-inheritance of a derived class.
8. Write a note about the virtual member function.
9. How static typing is achieved by dynamic binding in C++?
10. How calling of virtual member functions differ from that of non-virtual member functions?
11. Write about the performance cost of using virtual functions in C++.
12. Write about the functional overriding of the base class by the member function in the derived class.
13. Explain the concept of dynamic binding with the help of an example.
14. When should a destructor be made virtual?
15. Should the member functions which are made public in the base class be hidden?
16. Write a note about upcasting.
17. Can a derived array be called a kind-of-base array?
18. Can an array be replaced with a template container class?
19. Can circle be called an ellipse?
20. Why do we separate interface from implementation?
21. How can you differentiate between inheritance and implementation in C++?
22. Write about abstract base classes.
23. Write about pure virtual member function.
24. Write about private inheritance.
26. Write about the relationship between the private and protected inheritance.
27. Which should be more useful: the protected and public virtuals?
1. Explain polymorphism with the help of an example.
2. Write about the issues related to the runtime type identification.
1. What is a class?
2. How do C++ struct differs from the C++ class?
3. Write about the use of the virtual destructor?
4. Write a note on encapsulation.
5. Write a note about this pointer.
6. What are the effects after calling the delete this operator ?
7. Write a note about assignment operators.
8. Write about all the implicit member functions of a class?
9. Write about the container class and mention its types.
10. What is overriding.
11. Write about a nested class and mention its use.
12. Write about the local class and mention its use.
13. Write about the members that a derived class can add.
14. Describe the process of creation and destruction of a derived class object.
15. Define a good interface.
16. Give reason why the interface of the MyMatrix class should not look similar to array-of-array.
17. Write about the role of C++ in the tradeoff of safety vs.usability.
18. What is an object?
19. How can you prevent accessing of the private parts of my class by other programmers (violating encapsulation)?
20. Can non-public members of another instance of the class be retrieved by the method of the same class?
21. Can encapsulation be called as a security device?
22. How the keyword struct is different from the keyword class in C++?
1. How new/delete differs from malloc()/free?
2. How the delete operator differs from the delete[]operator?
3. How a new operator differs from the operator new?
4. Explain the term memory alignment.
5. Explain the concept of dynamic allocation of memory.
6. In the expression, char *c = (char *)malloc(20); followed by free(r); explain the role of mallocQ operator in allocating the number of bytes?
7. Discuss the effects occur, after an exception thrown by a member function is unspecified by an exception specification.
8. Is it possible to use the free operator with the new allocated pointers and the delete operatorQ with the
malloc allocated pointers?
9. Can a new be used in place of old mallocQ? If yes, why?
10. Is it possible to use a new for the reallocation of pointers ?
11. Is there any need for checking of NULL after executing p = new Animal ()?
12. What is the role of copy constructor in copying of thrown objects?
13. Can a NULL be checked before deleting the p variable froi the expression, Delete p; and not if (p != NULL) ?
14. Enlist the processes involved in deleting a variable.
15. On throwing an exception by the Animal constructor in p = new AnimalQ, can memory leak occur?
16. What is the use of [] in the delete statement of the following expression:
17. What would happen on forgetting [], while deallocating an array through new?
18. Can [] be dropped on deletion of some built-in type array (char, int etc)?
19. Write about the retrieval of n number of objects during the process of delete[]p?
20. Is it possible for a member function to use delete this?
1. What is a dangling pointer?
2. Explain the concept of memory leak.
3. What is an auto pointer?
4. List the issue that the auto_ptr object handles.
5. What are smart pointers?
6. Write about the complexities related to the following code:
int*b = NULL;
int&p = *b;
7. How a pointer differs from a reference?
8. How const int *ourPointer differs from int const *ourPointer?
9. Mention the conditions in which we should use references and pointers separately.
1. What happens on executing the following code?
return "Welcome"
2. Explain the ways in which type conversion can be done.
1. List the operators that cannot be overloaded.
2. Explain how overloading takes place in C++.
3. What is the difference between prefix and postfix versions of operator++()?
4. Describe the advantages of operator overloading.
7. Provide some examples of operator overloading.
8. Operator overloading is supposed to make the code clearer and more understandable but it makes the code more complex to understand. Why?
9. Can the operator == be overloaded for comparing two arrays consisting of characters by using string comparison?
11. Can the creation of operator** is allowed to perform the to-the-power-of operations?
12. What is the main purpose of overloading operators?
1. Define what is constructor or Destructors?
2. Can we define a constructor as virtual in C++?
3. Can we declare a base-class destructor as virtual?
4. How does a copy constructor differs from an overloaded assignment operator?
5. Define two methods of constructor invocation?
6. Define the process of error-handling in case of constructor failure?
7. Explain the concept of copy constructor?
8. What is a default constructor?
9. When are copy constructors called?
10. Is it possible to pass an object of the same class in place of object reference to the copy constructor?
11. Define a conversion constructor?
12. What is a conversion operator?
13. Define the process of handling in case of destructor failure?
14. What is a virtual destructor?
15. What is the sequence of destruction of local objects?
16. Write about the sequence in which objects in an array are destructor?
17. Is it possible to overload the destructor of a class?
18. Can you explicitly call a destructor on a local variable?
19. What happens if a local variable is destroyed within its scope before a program is completely executed? Can a destructor be called if needed?
20. Explain how would you handle a situation where you cannot call the destructor of a local explicitly?
21. What happens if the local variable cannot be wrapped in an artificial block?
22. What are shallow and deep copies?
23. What do you understand by zombie objects in C++?
24. Can a destructor be explicit y called if an object is created using the new operator?
25. Explain the use of the placement new method?
26. On implementing a destructor, is there any need for the explicit calling of the destructors for member objects?
27. On implementing a destructor of the derived class, is there any need for the explicit calling of the destructor for my base class?
28. How does List r; differs from List r();?
29. Can one constructor of a class be called by another constructor of the same class for initializing the this object?
30. Is the default constructor for a class Bred always Bred::Bred()?
31. On creating an array of bird_class objects, which constructor will get called?
32. Can we use initialization lists or assignments in a constructor?
33. Should the this pointer can be used in the constructor?
1. What is a virtual function?
2. Define pure virtual function.
3. What do you understand by a pure virtual member function?
4. How can virtual functions in C++ be implemented?
5. What do you understand by pure virtual function? Write about its use?
6. How the virtual functions maintain the call up?
7. Write a note on virtual destructor.
1. Write a note about inheritance.
2. What is the need of multiple inheritance?
3. Write about the IS A and HAS A class relationships and also explain about their implementation in a class.
4. Explain the concept of template?
5. How can you say that a template is better than a base class?
6. Explain the concept of multiple inheritance (virtual inheritance). Write about its advantages and disadvantages.
7. Describe inheritance and non-inheritance of a derived class.
8. Write a note about the virtual member function.
9. How static typing is achieved by dynamic binding in C++?
10. How calling of virtual member functions differ from that of non-virtual member functions?
11. Write about the performance cost of using virtual functions in C++.
12. Write about the functional overriding of the base class by the member function in the derived class.
13. Explain the concept of dynamic binding with the help of an example.
14. When should a destructor be made virtual?
15. Should the member functions which are made public in the base class be hidden?
16. Write a note about upcasting.
17. Can a derived array be called a kind-of-base array?
18. Can an array be replaced with a template container class?
19. Can circle be called an ellipse?
20. Why do we separate interface from implementation?
21. How can you differentiate between inheritance and implementation in C++?
22. Write about abstract base classes.
23. Write about pure virtual member function.
24. Write about private inheritance.
26. Write about the relationship between the private and protected inheritance.
27. Which should be more useful: the protected and public virtuals?
1. Explain polymorphism with the help of an example.
2. Write about the issues related to the runtime type identification.
1. What is a class?
2. How do C++ struct differs from the C++ class?
3. Write about the use of the virtual destructor?
4. Write a note on encapsulation.
5. Write a note about this pointer.
6. What are the effects after calling the delete this operator ?
7. Write a note about assignment operators.
8. Write about all the implicit member functions of a class?
9. Write about the container class and mention its types.
10. What is overriding.
11. Write about a nested class and mention its use.
12. Write about the local class and mention its use.
13. Write about the members that a derived class can add.
14. Describe the process of creation and destruction of a derived class object.
15. Define a good interface.
16. Give reason why the interface of the MyMatrix class should not look similar to array-of-array.
17. Write about the role of C++ in the tradeoff of safety vs.usability.
18. What is an object?
19. How can you prevent accessing of the private parts of my class by other programmers (violating encapsulation)?
20. Can non-public members of another instance of the class be retrieved by the method of the same class?
21. Can encapsulation be called as a security device?
22. How the keyword struct is different from the keyword class in C++?
1. How new/delete differs from malloc()/free?
2. How the delete operator differs from the delete[]operator?
3. How a new operator differs from the operator new?
4. Explain the term memory alignment.
5. Explain the concept of dynamic allocation of memory.
6. In the expression, char *c = (char *)malloc(20); followed by free(r); explain the role of mallocQ operator in allocating the number of bytes?
7. Discuss the effects occur, after an exception thrown by a member function is unspecified by an exception specification.
8. Is it possible to use the free operator with the new allocated pointers and the delete operatorQ with the
malloc allocated pointers?
9. Can a new be used in place of old mallocQ? If yes, why?
10. Is it possible to use a new for the reallocation of pointers ?
11. Is there any need for checking of NULL after executing p = new Animal ()?
12. What is the role of copy constructor in copying of thrown objects?
13. Can a NULL be checked before deleting the p variable froi the expression, Delete p; and not if (p != NULL) ?
14. Enlist the processes involved in deleting a variable.
15. On throwing an exception by the Animal constructor in p = new AnimalQ, can memory leak occur?
16. What is the use of [] in the delete statement of the following expression:
17. What would happen on forgetting [], while deallocating an array through new?
18. Can [] be dropped on deletion of some built-in type array (char, int etc)?
19. Write about the retrieval of n number of objects during the process of delete[]p?
20. Is it possible for a member function to use delete this?
1. What is a dangling pointer?
2. Explain the concept of memory leak.
3. What is an auto pointer?
4. List the issue that the auto_ptr object handles.
5. What are smart pointers?
6. Write about the complexities related to the following code:
int*b = NULL;
int&p = *b;
7. How a pointer differs from a reference?
8. How const int *ourPointer differs from int const *ourPointer?
9. Mention the conditions in which we should use references and pointers separately.
1. What happens on executing the following code?
return "Welcome"
2. Explain the ways in which type conversion can be done.
1. List the operators that cannot be overloaded.
2. Explain how overloading takes place in C++.
3. What is the difference between prefix and postfix versions of operator++()?
4. Describe the advantages of operator overloading.
7. Provide some examples of operator overloading.
8. Operator overloading is supposed to make the code clearer and more understandable but it makes the code more complex to understand. Why?
9. Can the operator == be overloaded for comparing two arrays consisting of characters by using string comparison?
11. Can the creation of operator** is allowed to perform the to-the-power-of operations?
12. What is the main purpose of overloading operators?