Friday, 30 March 2012

What are the components of a table definition? | SAP ABAP

Table fields: For table fields, field names and data types are defined.
Foreign keys: Relationship between the table and the other tables are defined.
Technical settings: Data class and size category defines that what type of table
to be created and how much space required.
Indexes: Secondary indexes are created for a table for faster data selection.
Again following are defined for a table fields:
Field name can be of maximum 16 characters in a table and must start with a letter.
Key flag determines if a field should be the table key.
Field type depicts the data type of the field in the ABAP dictionary.
Field length denotes the number of valid places in the field.
Decimal places Number of places after decimal point for float type value.
Short text describes the business meaning of the field.
Also fields from other structures can be added to the table definition as include.