Thursday, 29 March 2012

What is the role of the following commands: IMPORT and EXPORT? When we use IMPORT what is the way for passing multiple data groups?

 IMPORT: The statement used or reading the data objects from the memory into a program in ABAP/4 has this syntax: IMPORT … FROM MEMORY ID. The data objects that are read are found in a memory cluster in the form of a list. Without the option TO the same name will be found at assigning the data object from the memory to the one from the application. In this case the data object will be read in the field from memory and the memory cluster will be seen by the name, which can be of a maximum of 32 characters in length. We don’t really have to read every object that was deposited on a specific name, the object count can be restricted by the names of the objects. When on a specific name in the memory there are no objects then SYSUBRC will be four. In another case when the name from memory has a data cluster then SY-SUBRC will be 0 no matter if there is nor not a data object contained.
EXPORT: The statement and syntax used for reading data objects from the program into memory in ABAP/4 is: EXPORT … TO MEMORY ID. A cluster in the memory is where the data objects are deposited in form of a list, when FROM is not used the data object will be stored in the name of the data object, when FORM is used a name will be used for storage and it will represent the cluster from the memory, 32 maximum characters in length. If we have the same name already EXPORT will overwrite what it finds in the current data cluster.